Monday, April 25, 2011


Zuckerman talks about how Twitter is heavily a Brazialian and African American space. Many topics and conversations are African American. This was found doing research. Example: mostly cookout is a African American conversation. This was never intended to be this way. The interent was made to put us all on the same level.

He thinks a problem is we need to solve global problems.

I was not a fan of this video or what he had to say. I had trouble following what he was trying to say.


This is a very awesome website for educators and students to share projects and lessons. I think teachers can use this to share lesson plans or activities/projects that they have used in the classroom. This is an easy way to share. Not only is it idea sharing, but the activity or worksheet is already completed for you. I think it's great that teachers share their work instead of hide it from each other.

It's also nice because families can use this to share their work or view their students work. They can see what their child or other children in their students class our working on. It is hard for some parents to make it into the school, so this is an easy way to share. This is also a great way to share the students work with other family members such as aunt/uncles/grandparents/family friends.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Big Huge Labs

I was able to create my own movie poster. I think this is a really unique and fun idea for students to be creative. In a previous field experience the students did something similiar. They have to create a movie poster about a book they just read. They have to choose movie stars as the main characters and promote the book as a movie. I think this is a faster, simplier, and possibly more presentable way of doing the same project. This is also a great way to intergrate both ELA and technology together.

Here is an example of a movie poster I made.

The website is called,

Creative Commons

There are many types of creative commons licensing. There are 6 of them as follows: 1. Attribute - most accommodating license 2. Attribution- Share Alike- lets other "rebuild, retweek upon work." This is "copyleft" free. Wikipedia uses this type of license. 3. Attribution- NoDerivs- Allows you to redistribute "as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you." 4. Attribution-NonCommercial- You can retweak work but you have to acknowledge the original source and be non-commercial. But, you do not have to follow the same licensing terms. 5. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike- You can remix or build upon others work, but you have to give them credit and use the same terms. 6. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs- Most restrictive license. You can't change the work, you can only download it.
photo by : imjustcreative